Connecting Financial Institutions to Payments Innovation

Users of the Neural Payments P2P solution may send money anywhere, anytime via a seamless out-of-network experience.

Neural Payments

The Neural Payments functionality offers the ability to send funds both inside and outside of the Neural Payments ecosystem via existing integrations with third-party APP's and accounts tied to debit cards.

Neural Payments has solved the out-of-network equation for consumers who want to send money outside of just the ecosystem. Consumers want to be able to send money seamlessly without the need to worry about the application that the receiver may be using. Neural Payments has given the end-user the ability to choose where they want their money to go...and with integration into the FI’s digital banking experience, consumers can access all of their money movement needs in one, trusted location.

    • Limited Network of users
    • Out-of-Network experience requires third-party APP download
    • High Cost and No Brand Loyalty
    • No connection to Fintech players where your cardholders are already transacting
    • Too many options, inconsistent experiences & lttered with fraud
    • Ability to send money outside of the Neural Payments Ecosystem to users of Venmo, Paypal & US Bank Accounts tied to a debit card.
    • FI-Branded and lives within your trusted digital banking ecosystem, allowing your members the ability to send money right from your mobile app.
    • No third-party app required, and no card registration event to participate, thus reducing the potential for fraud.
    • Receiver makes the decision on where the funds are sent
    • Funds transfer occurs in Real-Time
    • Allows the sender to transact from within their trusted digital banking ecosystem; and the receiver to connect to the money movement platforms they already use today
    • No heavy data sharing requirements
    • Implementations in less than 90 days
    • No additional settlement processes to learn
    • Reduces fraud losses and support calls relating to disputes

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